The Legacy of Sedona Legend

The Gold Standard of Frye TWA History

Sedona Legend is a 20-year-old website which represents more than just a mere web presence. The website was originally created and launched on the world-wide internet from Jack

and Helen's Frye's Sedona Ranch in July of 2003. In 2005 the website was upgraded to a "pay-site" so this is the date most often associated with it's creation. Sedona Legend is without

question the largest most comprehensive archive in the world dedicated exclusively to the lives of TWA's Jack Frye and Helen Varner Vanderbilt Frye. This includes detailed documentation of notable events and associates of the Fryes, with focus on the glamour and history of their paths. July 2010- Sedona Legend was completely deleted, restructured, and re-launched! A new beginning, with an end to over 1500 pages of printed material available freely online. In this new expression it was not possible to feature the entire Sedona Legend archive on the World Internet as reference material in an easy to peruse format, so the material was reduced and condensed by about 1/3. Now here we are 15 years later in 2025, the original websites have all been deleted and the new Sedona TWA overview is being reconstructed as seen on this website as

What Is The Direction Of This Archive? 

The future of Sedona Legend, The Jack and Helen Frye Story? A suitable forum for the archive is being explored aside from the book 'Jack & Helen Frye Story - the Camelot years of TWA'.  Meanwhile, on these pages the information can be shared with the public in a fluid and generous manner.

A Quest For Historic Frye Photos- You Can Contribute Materials

A milestone! This website is nearly 25-years years old and a lot of effort and tenacity has been put forth to secure the Frye History. It has been a challenge to try to round up information and images of the Fryes and try to log them into one central place. This information is now secured and the Frye association with Sedona and our country at large has become a rich and valuable archive. Eventually, this archive will be secured with the Smithsonian, or a similar such organization, which will insure its preservation indefinitely. In regard to the images, locating them has been especially challenging. Many photos are either not recognized as to their historic value, or are held in collections and can’t be shared. This is troubling, but this is encountered often in historical research. I am constantly seeking to add to the visual side of Jack and Helen’s Story and an associated photo truly is worth a thousand words! Photographic images paint scenes that paragraphs can only attempt at. If you have any photos of the Fryes, their planes, homes, etc., to share with this work, it would be more than welcome! Please keep in mind that even though you feel there is plenty of TWA history out there already, the direction of this archive is not TWA history, rather it is Frye History, and that history as associated with TWA. There is a difference. All that is needed is a high resolution electronic scan. Nearly everyone today has a scanner. Any parties who do not know how to scan an image can send the photo to me and I will scan and return it safely and honestly. I have never lost a photo from any party and I have processed 100’s of images. I never share such images with third parties and only run them on this website with a watermark to protect the parties who own them. I also make sure that the party associated is credited. It is an eternal quest of mine to round up any and all Frye images into this archive to share with the public for free and on the International Internet, a medium I support and believe is the bona-fide future of all archived information. History should be shared, not tucked away, as often times this leads to such information being discarded by subsequent heirs and parties.  To contact me in regard to images you desire to share, please just E-Mail at and I will evaluate what you possess and let you know how we can get them on line. Every time I receive new images I am extremely grateful! To me it is like fitting pieces into a big puzzle, I am always touched and awed by what is submitted and the thoughtfulness to this end! The Fryes deserve to be remembered, not only for their association with Sedona, but as well, for their historical connections with our country! Thank you for your help with materials! 

Photographs & Special Notations On Materials

All images on this website are reproduced for historic educational purposes only and never reproduced commercially or sold. Photos are never offered to other online venues. Some of the photos seen on this website are owned by entities who received the images from Jack and Helen Frye personally, and offered them to the Sedona Legend (a nonprofit) as an electronic JPEG scan (of the original) for historical representation. Some images appear as JPEG’s scanned from Sedona Legend archive vintage images. Such images are owned outright by Sedona Legend and are held in an revolving archive which supports the Jack and Helen Frye Historical Web Site. The media images represented on this venue are determined to hold expired copyrights. If any image seen is represented in error please send me the proper (notarized) documentation proving the provenance of the image with the renewed copyright verification and legal

ownership proof of original image and or negative thereof. Only a limited number of vintage photos hold renewed copyrights. When they are renewed it is usually for monetary reasons and involves marketable events or celebrities. I am more than willing to offer an updated credit line beneath an image displayed on this website, pending verification, and will credit the photographer when the name is known. Images are displayed to represent a comprehensive historical overview of the life story of Jack and Helen Frye and the events of their lives. This venture is a milestone effort and has never been attempted by any other entity, this is why Sedona Legend is so unique. Sedona Legend has adopted the policy of not sharing images on this website with other online venues. This, after the website was completely re-worked several years ago and all copyright materials removed. Sedona Legend has gone to great lengths to locate and exhibit materials which are either owned by the Sedona Legend or loaned by associated parties. An exception would be bona-fide historic organizations which are primarily an on-line effort. It has been my experience that there is so much re-circulation of historic images on the internet to the point where images lose their origins. One has to be careful about diluting one’s dedicated research thereby losing the appeal of (in my case) of over 20-years of a historical showcase.

The Sedona Legend Web Site is a copyrighted historical photo enhanced narrative presented for educational and entertainment purposes. Some materials may be displayed in regard to the United States Fair Use Act. This web portal is totally non-profit and generates no income nor does it seek or has it ever accepted a single donation. It is an independent venture. 

Sedona Legend was envisioned and created to provide Red Rock State Park visitors a comprehensive historic overview for Jack and Helen Frye and their Deer-Lick and Smoke Trail Ranches. This effort is now officially cited by R.R.S.P. as an in depth historical venue representing Jack and Helen Frye. 

Sedona Legend is encouraged by the many friends of Jack and Helen Frye. A gracious thank you to the Frye and Varner families for invaluable support and Red Rock State Park staff and volunteers for their enthusiasm.

Formerly Sedona Legend Helen Frye, a.k.a. the Jack and Helen Frye Story (now as The Sedona Frye TWA Story)

Email for this web portal is

22-years of Research and Presentation, Created By Randall D. Reynolds

Copyright © 2003/2025 All Rights Reserved